Vivitar Wide & Slim Camera with 22mm Wide Angle Lens
The Original that started it all.
The Vivitar Ultra Wide & Slim is the iconic point and shoot 35mm film camera with a fixed f/11 aperture and 22mm wide angle fixed focus lens. Shutter speed is also fixed at 1/125s, so film with an speed of 400 ISO is recommended for general use.
This unique camera kind of "came and went" and then found a 2nd life in the lomo universe, and has become much sought after. Photos with vignetted edges and the instantly recognisable lens flare give it a distinct low-fi and unique feel. The effects are even further enhanced by cross-processing a slide film.
The cult following of the UWS eventually led to it being reproduced by Superheadz in a number of different colors, that sadly are no longer manufactured and getting harder to find.
The UWS (Ultra Wide & Slim) is a completely mechanical camera, relying on no electronics to function, so no batteries are required. The film is advanced through a manual dial, which in turn advances the number of exposed frames in the frame counter window. Aiming is done through a plastic window that is not linked visually to the lens in any way; therefore, the photographer needs to adjust for parallax error when composing the photograph. The photographer should also keep in mind that the view finder does not have the curvature of the 22 mm lens. The images produced will contain much more of the scene than can be seen during composition. The shutter release is a simple button located on the top of the camera. Everything functions as it should, and this camera is ready to Rock'n'Roll.
This is a fine example and is ready to be an everyday shooter, or to be added to your collection. Comes with strap.