Ultrafine Xtreme UXF Black & White Film - The Return of a Legend

Photo Warehouse presents the ultimate B & W Film experience, as we continue to bring you new and exciting products in the traditional photo world. A superior fine grain film with wide latitude and extreme quality. For high quality black and white photography, Ultrafine Xtreme 100 is unparalleled. Sporting a very fine grain, with outstanding detail, and acute sharpness, allowing completely satisfactory Xtreme enlargements, and still retaining a plethora of refined detail. With a standard rating of ISO 100/21, Xtreme 100 has become a true favorite, and compares very favorably alongside other medium speed films. With tremendous exposure latitude beyond its ISO 100 range, Xtreme 100 is appropriate for most photographic subjects, under a variety of lighting conditions. Xtreme 400 is a high speed, medium contrast film allowing for exceptional utilization in action and sports photography and also an outstanding selection for general purpose photography. With a standard rating of ISO 400, it provides negatives exhibiting incredible sharpness and yet retains a fine grain under a myriad of lighting conditions. Xtreme 400 was designed to react vigorously to push processing and film speeds up to EI 1600/33 are easily achievable with X-tol type developers, maintaining nice shadow detail and perfectly scaled mid-tones, while still maintaining grain structure. The Ultrafine Xtreme film family is yet another example, of Photo Warehouse's undying commitment to traditional photography.
May we suggest our Ultrafine Finesse B & W 100 Foot Rolls and Ultrafine T-Grain Ultramax Vari-Speed
Ultrafine Finesse
Some great examples at the Flickr Ultrafine Xtreme Pool:
Ultrafine Xtreme Group
The massive development chart for all Ultrafine Films:
Ultrafine Films Development Chart