We have been playing around with this emulsion and have come to love the retro feel of this stock, so we started kicking around the cobblestones, and feelin' pretty groovy after a few rolls of this stuff. Another experimental Color Print Film that will become a far out creative tool, in your totally tubular favorite camera. It's a gas.
Can be shot at ISO 64, up to 100
Motion Picture ECN, ECN-2 Stock, with the rem-jet backing . NOT C-41 Process
Fun and Experimental
Do NOT send this to a conventional C-41 processor. Either process in your own home C-41 Kit or make sure to send it to a lab that will do the remjet removal. Motion Picture Films with the Rem Jet backing in 35 mm Cassettes and Bulk Rolls. As this film requires special processing (ECN-2) and is absolutely not to be sent out to any regular labs, because the protective backing can "gum up the works" in any standard commercial C-41 processing environment, the majority of this stuff gets processed DIY with our C-41 Kits. You can take off the backing before or during your own processing regimen and it is not that difficult to remove (just an extra step really) and there are a few dedicated labs out there that will process for you but it is implicit that you only use a lab that is dedicated to ECN-2 process. This film is being offered in the spirit fun and experimentation and meant to give you RETRO like effects.
This fil is the same type as our Motipix Kodak current Emulsions are 5203, 5207, 5213, and 5219
All of the other emulsion are Classic Vintage.and obviously may have experienced color shifts and have some density loss, which adds to the experimental nature of these emulsions. All of the Motipix Films and the Grpoovy Moovy Films are cold stored.
Our home process C-41 Powder Kits
C-41 Kits
Also there are a few film labs that will take on ECN-2 Films
Little Film Lab
The Camera Shop
Old School Photo Lab
Boutique Film Lab