Rollei RPX Black and White Negative Films

The Rollei RPX series of Black-and-White Films come in three speeds in the 35mm and 120 format sizes.
Rollei RPX 25 is a panchromatic low-sensitivity black-and-white film with a nominal sensitivity of ISO 25/15 °. In addition to its exceptional fine-grained appearance, the Rollei RPX 25 has very good resolving power and high edge sharpness. The Rollei RPX 25 is characterized by a high sensitivity reserve of one aperture, depending on the development. The thin-film silver-rich emulsion is cast on a glass base base and has an excellent performance ratio between image quality (sharpness / fine-grain) and sensitivity.
The Rollei RPX 100 is a traditional mid-range black-and-white film. This, one of our most popular films, is suitable for extensive photographic and scientific applications. Especially for portrait and landscape photography, architecture and product photography. The popularity of this film confirms us the good quality.
The Rollei RPX 400 is a traditional high-sensitivity black-and-white film. This film is ideally suited for extensive photographic and scientific applications. The Rollei RPX 400 is an excellent choice when it comes to "available light" situations, and when it comes to shooting with limited light conditions with excellent results.
Rollei RPX 25 is a panchromatic low-sensitivity black-and-white film with a nominal sensitivity of ISO 25/15 °. In addition to its exceptional fine-grained appearance, the Rollei RPX 25 has very good resolving power and high edge sharpness. The Rollei RPX 25 is characterized by a high sensitivity reserve of one aperture, depending on the development. The thin-film silver-rich emulsion is cast on a glass base base and has an excellent performance ratio between image quality (sharpness / fine-grain) and sensitivity.
The Rollei RPX 100 is a traditional mid-range black-and-white film. This, one of our most popular films, is suitable for extensive photographic and scientific applications. Especially for portrait and landscape photography, architecture and product photography. The popularity of this film confirms us the good quality.
The Rollei RPX 400 is a traditional high-sensitivity black-and-white film. This film is ideally suited for extensive photographic and scientific applications. The Rollei RPX 400 is an excellent choice when it comes to "available light" situations, and when it comes to shooting with limited light conditions with excellent results.