Kodak B & W C-41 Process 400 - 35mm x 24 exposure BW400CN
ISO 400 24 Exposure
This film yields Black & White images when processed in COLOR CHEMISTRY C-41 Process. You can have this film processed where ever you get your color film done.
Black and White 400 Film gives you sharp, crisp prints. It is good for all-around use: in bright sunlight and existing low light; for action shots and skills; for your zoom camera and for extending your flash range. It is easy to obtain superb black-and-white prints because you can get the film processed and printed at the same locations you take your color print film. And, they are processed and printed in the same chemistry (Process C-41) and on the same paper as color prints or black-and-white paper. Order with confidence, Over 80,000 Rolls Sold from this batch in the last few months