Kodak 5325 Commercial Internagative Film 35mm x 36 Exp Roll (PLT) Loaded by Photo Warehouse
Loaded Spec PLT By Photo Warehouse Process C - 41
The eventual "replacement" product for Kodak 5072 Vericolor Slide Film -
For creative and artistic purposes 5325 can be shot in a 35mm camera at very low ISO ratings, and filters can be utilized to achieve additional artistic effects. Shot at around 6 - 8 ISO or 3 -4 with filters, although some striking images have certainly been captured at much higher ISO gic=ven bright sunlight conditions. This is also, obviously an excellent film to cross process (x-pro) in E-6.
Please Note: We also have limited stock on the OG 5072 Kodak in 35mm x 36 Exp. as well