Fujicolor CZ 800 Color Print Film 35mm x 12 Exp.
FUJICOLOR SUPERIA X-TRA 800 [CZ] is a daylight color negative film with an ISO speed rating of 800. FUJIFILM FUJICOLOR X-TRA 800 is a multi-purpose color film that is ready for virtually any picture-taking occasion. It provides particularly outstanding results in low-light photography without a flash, fast-action sports, or general use with compact zoom lens cameras. A Fast, Multi-Purpose Film Wide Exposure Latitude Natural Color Reproduction 4th Color Layer Technology Captures true color even under fluorescent lights Wide exposure latitude that allows vibrant colors, good image depth and high fidelity to be obtained even from underexposed negatives. Great vividness across the entire spectrum, including brilliant reds, bright blues and clear yellows. Enhanced realism in the reproduction of difficult-to-createcolors, including violet and various greens. Extremely sharp depiction of all aspects of the subject, from overall form to textural details. Fine grain for a high-speed film, providing consistently high image quality. Accurate color reproduction even under fluorescent lights.